Beuatiful, delicious, scrumptious cherries - my neighbour went to the cherry farm and delivered to my door 1kg of these yummies!
Toys, chocolates, games and books, what more could we ask for a Merry Christmas. We are just so lucky. I am a happy happy mumma to be on school holidays and just to be at home with my family. I hope you are all enjoying some peaceful times.
A new address book for 2008 - and a headband for my daughter and her friend. They will enjoy being twins at school.
...however, I am still mulching the garden, and we had some wonderful rain in the early morning. I just sat and watched it out my sewing window, and then this afternoon I have enjoyed tucking up all the plants in another garden bed with my luscious pea straw. I still have one bale to go and the back garden will be done - for summer!
I have been busy this week stippling my sister's quilt for christmas. I'm up to the binding now, so can see an end in site. I am very happy with how it has turned out. I'm sure she'll love it.
My great friend Barking Mad gave me these georgous leaves for a christmas gift. I am thrilled with them.
I've been in to the Patchwork Shop to collect my winnings for my my Apron. Some lovely fabrics to play with in the holidays. Only one week of school to go ... and counting. School sleep over last week at Soverign Hill with Grade 2's and full day walking around the following day with the Grade Ones. Exhausted Friday night!
So many beautiful colours in the garden. My last epaphitic cactus flower came this week. A lovely white/yellow. Each year I intend to mark them as to the colours of the flowers, and each year they come and go, and I decide to let it be a surprise the following year. The flowers are SO spectacular but very short lived. So I like to enjoy every moment.
A special friend is having a birthday this week and had promised to make her one of my special crotchet bags. They are just so addictive. Now I've done another one, I want to do yet another one. I can't help myself. I think the most exciting bit is getting it out of the washing machine at the end of the washing process.
I just love it!
As the weather is warming up, I am needing to mulch the garden, so have bought some pea straw at the weekend and have been busily tucking in my little plants and having a great time out there. I don't understand why some people don't like the look of pea straw. I think it looks so nice on the garden and the plants are so happy. There are big clouds about tonight so I am hoping for a shower of rain.
Chick Chick is continuing to grow each day. She had her first night outside on Sunday night, and although she was a little scared, she found the perch and was still there in the morning, so she is out of the laundry at night now, and almost all grown up. The other chooks are still getting used to someone new in thier world, but she will continue to grow, and what they don't know, is that she will be bigger, as the others are Bantams! It takes 2 hands now to pick her up now and her feet are HUGE.