This was one of my fav birthday presents this year from my lovely friend
Kate. I have worn it on several occasions and eveyone who sees it, loves it. Says it all, I think . . .

My sister sent me some tree dahliah's that I really must plant, and not on my sewing table either. I just found them there when I was having a tidy up the other day, and look, they're shooting!!!

Last Thursday Ric Rac and I gave a demonstration on using Solvy at a local craft group. I was basically moral support, as
Ric Rac was in her element and had all the ladies in fits of laughter. She is such a card. We had a great night and all the ladies were very happy with thier results on the night. I even snuck in a few bits myself.

If you've been reading, you'll know I'm on a bit of a "bag frenzy" at the moment. I finished my sewing bag after lots of reading of instructions . . .

. . . and here is the
Molly Birds "School Bag with Class", in action.

I got a lovely surprise from my friend
Daisy Chain the other day in the post with this lovely little birdy (amongst other things), and then
Jeanette came into school and brought this fab stitchery roll that she had made for me.

. . . oh, and did I mention that by day, I've had to move classrooms, as this is what happenend to my old one . . .