I've been busy with my crotcheting and have become quite addicted. My husband says I have become obsessed. In a weird sort of way, it seems to make me feel calm and relaxed. I have almost finished my blanket I'm making for my dear old Dad, and in the meantime, I have been introduced to these wonderful patterns for baskets and handbags that you crotchet and then felt in the washing machine. They are Jenny King designs and I think they are wonderful! I found her little stall at the Craft Fair (in Melbourne - yes I know it was at least 2 weeks ago, but I feel like my feet still haven't touched the ground and there's been no report from me!) and had a great time there looking at absolutely EVERYthing and drooling over the wools etc. I bought some delicious wool to make my mum a scarf. I haven't even taken any photos yet, but then again, yes I have made up one of the baskets ready for felting, started a handbag and a 2nd basket. Yes, I promise that I am still working on Dad's blanket!
In the middle of Mondayitus my beautiful friend Jodie came to my classroom door and delivered my very special belated birthday present which I'm sure some of you have seen in the making. I was SO excited to finally see it and give it a cuddle. It now has pride of place on my crafting couch and is something I will treasure forever. Thanks Jodie xo

I am so lucky to have like minded friends at work and at play. It is indeed a "wonderful wonderful life!" Not only the magnificent cushion, but a beautifully hand made card as well. Probably a good day for a little spoiling of me, as I was feeling a little down.

She's right though ... "Craft, it's cheaper than therapy!"
Hi Annie,I am very interested in the felt bags-after they are crocheted do you just put them in the washing machine on hot or do you have to roll them? Birthdays can be quite exhausting especially when they go on and on.Jodie is a lovely friend what a great present. So you must be at the same school-what fun!
Evidently just in the washing machine on hot wash Jenny, I will let you know how they turn out. I am a little scared of the next step, but it WILL happen.
Yes, I saw your gift on Jodie's blog :) what a nice thing to give to another crafty lady :)
My granma taught to me crochet...I don't believe I made it past the second row of chain-something-or-another...I always lost my count & ended up ripping things out!
I think that teh card should read "Craft: It may be cheaper than therapy (depends where you shop)".
We'll see whteher you agreee or not after visiting 'Magnolia Market' and 'Patchwork on Central' this weekend!
Love the cushion - and lucky to have someone like Jodie in your life!
Craft IS cheaper than therapy! I keep telling my husband that - although I think I need more therapy because of all the UFO's I have to get to.....
I thought I'd seen that cousin somewhere before. It looks great, glad you love it. I'm not sure about the comment on the card.???
My craft is becoming expensive (ha ha) but I have more fun then going to theorpy I'm sure.
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