Sunday, May 5, 2013

Glimpses of Autumn in my Garden


Gorgeous Fushias

Viola's are one of my favourites

Salvia Limelight

Late self sown tomatoes

White Salvia Leucantha

The colour in the trees is my most favourite part of this season.

Reading back over this post before hitting Publish Post, I sound like an Autumn Freak. I JUST LOVE AUTUMN!  I think EVERYTHING is my favourite!  I love the trees, I love the colour, I love the shapes. 
I love being a Gardener . . . especially in Autumn!
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Susan said...

I really love Autumn too.....but I think I need you to come and rescue my garden. Thanks for the lovely pics.

Quiltedtime said...

Your pictures are exquisite!!!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Beautiful, Annie, just all of your wonderful garden. It's always a pleasure to see what you are enjoying at the moment. Thank you for sharing!

Unknown said...

I also love Autumn. The colours, the sound of the leaves falling off the trees and then the crunch when you walk over them. Such a shame we have to have a summer though, wish it was a longer Autumn.

blandina said...

I have never seen the salvia limelight before, gorgeous colors. I love you garden and the Autumn light....

apiecefullife said...

Gorgeous photos Annie!

Steph Jones said...

Hello, nice post.