Sunday, May 7, 2017

Tea Anyone?

 A retired friend of mine has joined the Succulent Society.  I have always been interested in them and have told her that when I retire, I will join too!  In the mean time, I've been enjoying finding interesting ones to add to my collection.  Look what my mum surprised me with the other day.  I just love it.  It's one of her special old cups that she had got a hole drilled in the bottom of.
 Yesterday my boy played in a school band at Booktown in Clunes.  It was a lovely trip out in the country and the music was great.  I just can't help pulling the car over, however when I see great pictures like this on the side of the road.
 . . . and with the inclement weather, it was a great afternoon to focus on Sock Making.  I almost nearly have the recipe right.  Lots and lots of trial and error with the knitting machine.  Just have to relax a bit more when I'm casting off!


apiecefullife said...

Love the socks Annie!

Patsy said...

Love your blog today!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

What fun! Beautiful pics, as always, and love the socks!

Jan said...

Such a busy bee, Annie! Missed you at Clunes - we were there too and enjoyed ourselves. Great pics as always. And I'm up for a cuppa with you anytime - preferably minus the succulent in the cup!

Shop hoa TPHCM said...
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John McQuaid said...

I miss tea with my mum and she loved the flowers that I would bring her -

Sue Walker said...

Oh gosh Annie, I adore those socks!! you are so clever! I had a friend also join the succulent society, she is no where near retirement and now I have the bug for them, steering clear of the prickly cactus though!

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Isaac said...

Oh gosh, Annie, I absolutely adore those socks—they're brilliant! You’re so talented! I have a friend who also joined the succulent society and now I’m hooked too, though I’m steering clear of the prickly cacti. I love seeing all the different flowers name with pictures and varieties in these plants!