
What a wonderful weekend.
Each time I think about it, my eyes feel much better. How lucky I feel to have been able to share in the wonderful experience of the Stitches and Craft Show in Melbourne with my friend Jodie.

This was part of the AMAZING display of her selvedge works of art. They looked fantastic all together, and should be in an ART GALLERY!

As a special Show Surprise, I made us "staff aprons" keeping with the theme, and she was delighted. Actually they were very handy and serviceable - I even got a couple of orders for the Brisbane Show. I'll get busy girls when my eyes become a little more focused. I think they'd even be good for school. I can see me making more of these.

. . . oh, and the blind woman returns. After all the excitement of the Show, let it not detract from the week prior . . .
Yes, I had Laser Eye Surgery last Tuesday. My WONDERFUL friend Brenda (who by the way loved her quilt) looked after me SOOOOOOOOO well. I really enjoyed the rest from home and just not having to make any decisions was fabulous. She is a treasure in my life. I am recovering well, although still a little blurrrrrrry. Not quite up to driving yet, or teaching 23 Grade 3's. A few more days quietly at home and I will be back into action.

. . . and the winner is, (for the giveaway on my last post) . . . thanks for waiting guys
[email your details and I'll pop a parcel in the post]