I was out in the garden just now, grabbing the last snippet of "the holidays". I put new straw in for the chooks, and weeded the little garden outside their quarters. Just as the darkness was coming in, as I was pruning a little overgrown plant, I came upon my (tiny) thyme plant. I smiled to myself, and declared out loud, "I've found some more time!"
I know everyone laments that they "don't have enough time" and "I wish I had more time" and "how do you get so much time" - but I am fully aware that we are all granted the same amount of time, and it's all about choices and what we choose to do with ours.
I have chosen this holidays, to spend a lot of time sewing, and as a result, I have yet another finish!. I am fairly pleased with my time this holidays, and I am just a little bit sad that I have to farwell the lazy days with no bell. . . but the good news is, in about 10 weeks, I will have another holiday, and I will be able to do it all over again.
My Nellie will miss me - although she will probably just go back to extended cat naps during the day. More to the point, I will miss her.