Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Nursery Shelves

Mr Flowergarden cut my "Christmas Mesh" and made me some new shelves for my Nursery, down the side of the house.

 It's forced me to have a big tidy up of plants and get things back into order down there.
 Beautiful Ginger Lilly Flowers for Autumn
 Double Delight
 Voo Doo Fushia
 Autumn Colour
 Autumn Flush with Roses
 Kiss Me Quick
 Baby Quilt finished
One week to go of Term 1 and then 2 weeks Holidays

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March Madness

 When I had a look back at the posts I have done for March, there were surprisingly only 2 - it has been a very busy month.
 The weather is beginning to change and I'm loving the colour in the trees, but the rain refuses to come.  Everything is still SO DRY!
 My faithful flowers continue to shine however, and come up by seed where I don't even plant them.  I enjoy these ones so much.  I have lots of tomatoes that came up late by seedlings, and are setting fruit. 

I'm wrapped with my capsicum plants.  We had one with our tea tonight, and it was so satisfying picking it straight from the garden.  I've never had great success with capsicums but this year is a winner.

There is a baby about to arrive in the neighbourhood.
I think it is only 2 weeks away, so thought I'd better get busy and make a quilt for the new arrival.  She already has a boy, so I have decided that the new one will be a girl.

Quilting and binding, and then I will probably relent, and make a boy one too!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Autumn Joy

 I was so pleased today to spend some time in my garden.
 I've been so very busy with the Quilt Show and all it entailed that my garden was getting left behind.
 . . . and now the season has changed, and it's Autumn and the days are getting cooler.  The colour is beginning to turn in the trees.
I lost my very special canary who I called "Pretty Boy"
He got sick and after a few days, I held him in my hands and while I was talking to him . . . he shut his eyes and died. I buried him in the garden. 
 I'm enjoying the Autumn Flush of Roses
 . . . and this beautiful Clematis goes right over the top of the bird aviary.

One of the great pleasures of Autumn, for me, is this lovely Sedum
Autumn Joy

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Festival of Quilts - Ballarat Australia

 This is the long awaited weekend, when I am exhibiting Quilts with my new Quilt Group - The Begonia Quilters.
I am heading up the Recycle You Stash Stall - and let me tell you, Friday was opening day, and they almost sold out of stash . . . I brought in heaps on Saturday and again, we almost sold out.  I'm heading back to my cupboards to find some more for tomorrow. It was fun on the stall.
 These are my quilts, and its' very exciting to see them hanging in such a beautiful space at the Old Mining Exchange in Ballarat.

I've even put in a special display of my handbags and have decided to sell some to give them a second chance at life. 5 have gone already to new homes.

 This is the Wedding Quilt, which a made a few years ago now for a friend's daughter.  It was a bit scary cutting into the dress at the time, but I was very pleased with the result.  She kindly lent it back so we could show it.
It was a BIG day, but I LOVED it, and will be back there again tomorrow.
If you're anywhere nearby - drop in for a look.