A couple of weeks ago, I told my Pussy Cat that I bought her a plant. It was a Fuchsia called Pussy Cat. I couldn't refuse it, even though I didn't know what the flower looked like. It had plenty of buds, so I have been patiently waiting for it to flower. So here it is . . . Pussy Cat
Beautiful Summer roses in my friend's garden.
. . . and my happy petunia pot!
With special stove paint, I blackened the pot belly - it looks great and I'm looking forward to toasting some marshmallows one of these days.
After adding some chicken manure to some pots, these snapdragons sprang to life. I guess some food was what they needed. They are really fancy ones I planted some other year and didn't think they would come back.
This is a nice succulent I have in a pot that always looks good and is easy to strike. It caught my eye tonight when I was taking photos.
Last day of Summer Holidays tomorrow! NO APPOINTMENTS being made - just "chilling" as the kids would say, and getting my head in a space that is ready to head back to work after a brilliant holiday AT HOME.