I can't describe just how much I love being out in my garden. I feel very satisfied at the creation of it all and the growth in such a short time. I am thrilled to have our tank in position, but just a little frustrated that there are no pipes connected to it yet to catch the rain that we have had in the last couple of days. The only saving of my feelings, is that it has soaked into the ground and I have seen water droplets on the plants and they all look fresh again.

I've been working pretty hard last week with Parent Teacher Inverviews most nights after school until about 6pm. Your mouth gets a bit sore from smiling and being nice over and over - but hey, they were much better parents this year than last year and that's a good sign for a good year.
School is settling down, but there is so much work to do. We are spending a lot of time establishing rules and boundaries so it will be easier to work throughout the year.
I feel a bit addled in my brain in the craft department. There are SO many things I want to try and have a go at, then on the other hand there are so many unfinished projects that keep calling me. I did finish one of them last week however, and after 3 years of working on it spasmodically of course, it was quite a relief to put in that last stitch. Not technically finished, but all the embroidery done.

Now just to bind it and hang it up. I'm truely hoping that won't take another 3 years!
Your flowers are beautiful...and as for your stitched flowers.....stunning......
Yay Annie.....now you'll have to finishe the chickens.
How beautiful - both the garden and the embroidery and quilting! Can't wait to see it finished.
hreat flower garden pics.......and can't wiat to see the whole embroidery top it looks beautiful the snippets you have given
Love you blog, love the flowers and the patchwork and the embroidery, it's all lovely! Have just emailed you! Fran (swap partner!)xx ;)
Annie, thats just define. You truly are a clever bird!
Those flowers look gorgeous and are a real feast for my eyes over here where the snowdrops are only just coming out and we have to buy potted daffodils to brighten things up!
Your stitching looks amazing as always and I hear you have been talking bunnies a lot lately!!!!
Lucy x
Okay, I'm sitting here drinking my very late morning coffee and drooling all over the keyboard. Your flowers are gorgeous, and that quilt is just beyond beautiful. I love it!
Annie what gorgeous flower pics. Love the embroidery work
I don't know where you find the time.
Your garden look fantastic as usual I am rather jealous. Those stitcheries are interesting looking forward to seeing the whole top.
I have my last meet the teacher interview tomorrow too so I know what you mean by the smiling ache!!!Your garden is so lovely and is a special place to be indeed! I LOVE your stitching it is just so neat and the colours are gorgeous:)
How exciting to have had rain! It rained at Mum's house too. Now if it would just stop raining at my brother's........
Yes, I do miss the open skies and knowledge of relatively settled weather (ie, can hang washing knowing it will dry and not get rained out).
Such beautiful flowers. It is just now starting to have warm days here so I look forward to planting some. I love the pictures of the chick, too cute!
you like flowers and crafts quilting...me too come visit me
we are heading into spring right now and I planning on doing photo shhots all thru the year (just started blogging couple weeks ago)
love your quilt.
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