Monday, August 18, 2008

The promise of Spring

Spring is on it's way to Ballarat
The blossom's are budding and the bulbs are coming out
I've been wanting this Betz White book for ages and it finally arrived in my post box on Friday night, so all other plans were instantly put on hold while I made some cupcake pincushions.
Then today at school, a lovely friend gave me this wonderful gift

I just adore it . . . thank you Claire!
. . . the sun shone on me today


Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Great job on the pincushions! They look cushy. And I love your new tape measure friend. What a nice smile!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Your tape measure owl is super cute! Your cupcake pincushions are gorgeous - lucky you had a stash of woollen jumpers on hand.

wonderwoman said...

absolutely love your pincushions -are they difficult to do? they look sooo cute.

Anonymous said...

I have seen that book at the bookstore. It has some great things in it. Your pincushions are fantastic. Love the flower pictures too.

Anonymous said...

Lovely pictures, as usual!

Leanne said...

Oh yah... spring which is followed by summer.....great photos as always...very cute cup cakes.

Alison Gibbs said...

Looks like Spring is certainly coming your way - love the owl.

Cass said...

Wow that owl is great

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Love the cup cake pincushions, are they knitted. The owl is just a darling and looks cute among the flowers.

Lisa said...

That owl is so darn cute! Great pincushion!!!

Jenny said...

It is such a great book isn't it! I haven't tried the pincushions yet-yours turned out really well and that owl tape is so cute! Love your spring garden pictures.

Locket Pocket said...

What lovely photos! Your owl is fab - I was sure it was going to have been from Jodie with her "tape measure collection" - guess I was wrong! Lucy x

Anonymous said...

What snuggly looking pin cushions beautiful! LOL that tapemeasure critter so unusual and such fun love it!

Our daffodils wont be out until February, lovely to see them.

Kate said...

The pin cushions are perfect - before I read you had made them - I just assumed they were pictures from the book.

Unknown said...

As usual...fantatic that gift of yours..the little owl face with the measuring tape, just so cute and fun.

picciolo said...

hi Annie, just been catching up on your blog, you have been very busy and creative! I love the cushions you made and that little bird you got is gorgeous!
: )

Roseanne said...

Your pin cushions cup cake are very cute .The owl tape measure is so different.

Anonymous said...

glad the sun shone on you for a minute, i pray daily for spring, how cute is mr owl and yum cakes...birregurra festival in october about 2nd weekend i think, the girls here are thinking of a day out maybe u could join us?

Karen said...

Love all of your flowers;) The owl is very cute, too.

Stacey said...

I just said to someone before that yesterday was like the first hint that spring was on the way.
There was just that lovely spring smell in the air.