Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year Approaches

Some more Table Runner LOVE
Cosmo Cricket
Here is my lovely gift I received from May Britt in Norway
It was the first gift I opened, and was thrilled to recieve something so special from the other side of the world. 
This lovely donut pincushion was in the bag too.  I just LOVE pincushions!
I have already tested this one out and I love it.
This is Master Flowergarden's Canary (Su-Lee).  She sat on this nest before Christmas, and the result . . .
. . . was this lovely baby (at the back) which he named Su-Lee Junior!
Su-Lee is back on the nest again, and we think the next baby will be called NOEL!
. . . and on the EVE of a brand new year 2012, we have had some very exciting news in our garden this afternoon.  The birth of Chick Chick Eve.  We have been watching our Clucky Hen Elizabeth, for what seems a VERY LONG time now, and today, she had some wonderful success for all her hot hot sitting.
Happy Christmas to one and all, and a very
Happy New Year
from all in our
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Bizzy Martine said...

Nice presents!! Happy New Year!!!

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

What sweet gifts and look at your little birdlings. :-)

Have a wonderful 2012.


Anonymous said...

I love your table runner. I think it is the colors that grab me.

Have a happy new year.

wonderwoman said...

A very happy new year to you and yours! Xxxxx

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

The table runner and the gifts are just beautiful, but it is all the new life that really makes the end of one year and the beginning a new one so special!

Chocolate Cat said...

That is one 'cool' pincushion!! Lots of babies in your house!!! Happy New Year!

Patsy said...

What a happy new beginning for 2012
Happy New Year!

Leanne said...

LOVE the table runner I was working at the shop yesterday and fondled that range. I like the way you have used it. Wonderful gifts from the other side. Lots of babies how cute do your canaries sing beautifully?

Frogdancer said...

You're making me feel guilty now... poor Pudgy has been broody for weeks.

Greyacres said...

Love your gifts from Norway Annie, and those lovely canaries. You will have an aviary full if theykeep up this rate of production!

Jan said...

Oh! It happened! Well done, Ms Chookie! Lovely to see you yesterday for a spot of show and tell, Annie!

Jodie said...

Dear Annie, you have no rooster.....I am confused....

Valspierssews said...

What beautiful gifts! I love the pincushion. Great bird photos. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and leaving some encouraging words for me.


Carole said...

What lovely gifts from May Britt! I do enjoy swaps! Thanks for sharing! Happy New Year! Cheers!

Kentish Keg-Meg said...

Love the pin cushion. Hope you had a Happy New Year's day.

JB said...

Is the broody one still stitting? There could be a few more Mildura eggs hatch yet. Hardly need a chook on them in this heat.I am glad there was some success and guess what, you probally now have a rooster!

Thimbleanna said...

Haha -- I'm using that Cosmo Cricket fabric to make table runners too! I LOVE it! Your runner looks fabulous!

Michelle said...

STUNNING table runner! I absolutely love it!